A game inspired by the likes of factorio and stardew valley, where you build a factory to make and deliver food orders.

A lot of work was made on back-end functionality and mechanics, and my mood dwindling at the end of the jam left me with little energy to actually build on gameplay loop elements. That is why factory building is not really present, as well as the whole delivery aspect of the game.

I had more in mind for this project but I doubt I'll come back to working on it.

I hope you will enjoy it nonetheless!


  • WASD to move
  • Scroll wheel to zoom
  • Right click to break stuff
  • Left click to place/use selected item in toolbar

Technical details

Engine: Godot (gdscript)

Spriting: Aseprite

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withGodot
TagsLudum Dare 53
LinksLudum Dare


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I tried with 3 different browsers and I am unable to place or break stuff, the progress bar appears and nothing is happening...


Hmm, i did not have those problems. And i used firefox to try out the game. So it's probably a problem on your end and not actually the game. And make sure you're holding right click when breaking trees or stone. I did the same mistake thinking the hoe was the "tool to hold" when breaking stuff, and by instinct use left click (damn you minecraft and terraria!!!).

I just tried on a different PC and worked there. Really weird bug

Strange bug indeed… I’m glad you could make it work in the end!